31. वातावरणीय प्रदुषण र व्यवस्थापन (Environmental Pollution and Management)

Air Pollution:

primary pollutants: Those compounds and elements that directly pollute the
air on its liberation. Examples include, the dust, Bad smells, Nitrogen, the compounds of Oxygen, Halogen and radio-active elements etc.

secondary pollutants: Those factors and compounds that indirectly affect the quality of air to be polluted such as, formaldehyde, peroxyle, acetyle nitrate etc.

Sources of air pollution:

  1. Natural sources:
  2. Artificial sources:

Effects of air pollution:

  1. Reduction in visibility
  2. Reduction in solar radiation
  3. Green House effect
  4. Inhibition in biological growth of plants
  5. Adverse effect on human health
  6. Depletion of Ozone layer (Due to: CFC, CHCl3, CCl4, CH3Br)
  7. Acid rain
  8. Destruction of historical monuments
  9. Change in climate

Water Pollution:

Sources of water pollution:

  1. Sewage water
  2. Contaminated water from the industries
  3. Agricultural wastes
  4. Obstruction in flow of water
  5. Oily pollution
  6. Heat
  7. Radioactive substances

Soil Pollution:

sources of soil pollution:

  1. Domestic wastes
  2. Excessive use of pesticides
  3. Industrial wastes
  4. Use of chemical fertilizers
  5. Municipal wastes
  6. Acid rain

Conservation of natural resources and their well management is required to reduce the pollution and adopt the sustainable development process.